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Project Matriarchs launched in September 2020 in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic with the goal of providing relief to low income working caregivers in the form of free time. Since then Project Matriarchs has piloted and scaled its free-to-affordable service matching college students with families to provide virtual academic support and childcare.

It has been incredibly gratifying to make change on the interpersonal level that the direct service permits. We want to contribute to the momentum around transforming the way the US cares for its caregivers that our country is currently experiencing by bringing Gen Z into the conversation. This summer we are launching our new Advocacy Branch which will leverage our generation's values and convictions to create a future in which caregivers are actively cared about and cared for both on an interpersonal level and at a systemic level.  We will continue the service on a sliding scale in conjunction with the Advocacy Branch.

The Pledge will be an expression of our generation's convictions about how we want companies to support their caregiving employees—from those working minimum wage jobs to those at the executive level. By tracking signatories, The Pledge will help us demonstrate and track consensus. 

Young adults will sign The Pledge to indicate their alignment with the values, policies, and norms detailed, signaling to companies—their potential future employers—that they will value a workplace that cares about and cares for all of its caregiver employees.

The contents of The Pledge will reflect the preferences and expectations of our peers. We’ll perform an ongoing assessment of our generation’s stance on key corporate policies and practices related to gender equity and caregiving while also partnering with aligned organizations, leveraging their knowledge of best practices. 

When companies perceive alignment with these standards as a crucial way to attract and retain the next generation of talent, we believe they'll start working towards these ideals.

Your contribution today will support our commitment to equity, which is at the center of our solution. Please consider making your donation recurring—sustained contributions makes all the difference as we continue to offer this service using a sliding scale payment model.  Donations are tax deductible. Our 501c3 Tax ID is: 94-3117093.

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Project Matriarchs FAQ
Is my donation tax deductible?
Yes, we are a fiscally sponsored project of San Francisco Public Health Foundation, which is a public 501c3 organization recognized by the IRS. Your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent permissible by law.

Allyra FAQ
Is my donation and credit card info secure?
Yes, the security and confidentiality of your information is our highest priority. We will not sell, trade or share your personal information with anyone else, nor send donor mailings on behalf of other organizations, and we will only share personal information if you have given us specific permission to do so.

How do I know that my donation was made successfully?
You will receive an emailed receipt immediately after your donation is submitted and your credit card is processed. Your donation will also show up on your bank or card statement within 1-3 business days.

Do I get a receipt?
Yes, a receipt is sent to your email inbox once your donation is processed. Please be sure to keep a copy of your receipt for tax purposes. If you select a recurring donation, you will be sent an individual receipt each period when your donation is processed.

Is my donation private?
We will not share or sell a donor's personal information with anyone else, nor send donor mailings on behalf of other organizations.